lørdag den 23. april 2011


Aerten has caught on to laughing and there is no stopping him once he gets started. He just gets going and going until his world crumbles from exhaustion (we may have to work on that one).
Another thing Aerten has discovered is 'talking'. He tries out new sounds every day and quite often surprises him self with the noise.

For the love of bees

Aerten LOVES his bees above his change table. Whenever it's nappy change time Aerten has a long and deep conversation with his bees. The bees were a pressie from the lovely Silotte, Signe and Rasmus and we talk about them every time we see the bees.

torsdag den 7. april 2011

Homemade goodies

It is finally a bit cooler in the mornings so we take every opportunity to whip out some of the homemade goodies like this jumper and blankie before they are all too small (sorry Aerten - not the most flattering photo I know).

Sunday Lunch

THE COUSINS HAVE FINALLY ARRIVED!!!!! So we celebrated with a lovely Sunday lunch at one of the vineyards.

So so nice to have some family around and feel very pleased for Aerten who gets to grow up under the guidance (and terror) of the little cousins.

Next exciting event in Aertens life is the long awaited arrival of Mormor tomorrow!!