Aerten has caught on to laughing and there is no stopping him once he gets started. He just gets going and going until his world crumbles from exhaustion (
we may have to work on that one).
Another thing Aerten has discovered is 'talking'. He tries out new sounds every day and quite often surprises him self with the noise.
Han er så dyrebar, vokser så hurtigt, kan du se hans personlighed udvikler sig. Jeg kan ikke vente med at høre mere om hans eventyr med sin store fætre, jeg er sikker på Eva og Pip underviser ham veje "lille folks" verden. Send min kærlighed til både Thomas senior og junior. Savner dig alle så meget, har en god påske. Masser af kærlighed, Foof XO
SvarSlet(He is so precious, growing so quickly, you can see his personality developing. I can't wait to hear more about his adventures with his big cousins, I am sure Eva and Pip are teaching him the ways of the "little people's" world. Send my love to both Thomas senior and junior. Miss you all so much, have a happy Easter. Lots of love, Foof xo)