Time to tell you all about one of the daily activities with Little Man. Bath Time is probably Aerten's favorite activity despite all of our efforts to make him hate it in the early days: There was the time when I dunked him in COLD water! Absolutely NOT a hit! But Aerten is partly to blame for that incident (
it is probably not really fair to blame some one who is 1 week old for anything!). It happened in the early days when I still thought I could be a Super-Mum (have now realized that it is much easier to ask someone to give you a hand) and dispose of nappy, fill bath and hold Aerten all at the same time! After filling the bath with not too hot water we embarked on the disposal of soiled nappy - unfortunately I had forgotten the bum-cream at previous nappy change (
error not to be repeated) so poo was extremely stuck to poor Aerten's skin! 100 wipes later I had finally managed to get all poo off (
now I ask my self why?? He was en route to the bath!) but Aerten then decided it was time for a pee! So we then had to change the towel (thanks to the Black's we have quite a few of those hooded towels). By the time we finally got to the bath itself the water was stone cold!!! Not enjoyable!
Second attempt to attempt to make Aerten dislike Bath Time happened the day after when Daddy had his first go at bathing a slippery little baby! Lets just say that he nearly dropped the Little man in the water.
But they are resilliant little ones and despite all of our efforts Aerten now LOVES his bath! An absolute second favourite activity right after eating (at least I hope so as I seem to spend half the day and night feeding him!)
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