tirsdag den 29. marts 2011
Little Cousins
Beach Boy
It's time for an update on Aertens Verden after 2 lovely weeks in Australia. It was so so good to hang out as a little family and one of the memorable moments was Aertens first trip to the beach. Preparing for the beach is a 2-4 hour process these days! How do you make sure to cover every little inch of very pale baby skin with sunscreen?? It takes time - especially now that Aerten has developed numerous rolls on arms and thighs! Borrowed a sun shirt of the lovely cousin Pip and headed off dressed in lilac (hence the black and white photo - don't want little man to be traumatized for life). First attempt at the water resulted in a very stunned Aerten who does not enjoy cold water - but after a few dips he started enjoying it (or maybe I just want him to enjoy it as we are destined for a life near the beach). And the experience was further improved by removing the cold soggy nappy (for some reason I thought it most appropriate for Aerten to wear a nappy in the water - won't be repeating that mistake). The grand finale of our beach trip was another great bonding episode between father and son. As I was holding Aerten Daddy spotted a fair amount of poo running down my belly. He found this very hilarious and enjoyed pointing this out while drying off his hair with the towel I had had wrapped around Aerten only to realized that it was covered in poo too! Once again we realized that Aerten gets the final comment in every situation!
fredag den 4. marts 2011
Where did I put the Baby???????
The first 3 weeks of Aertens life we had his Nana staying with us. (She was amazing and I wouldn't have survived without her support. Would recommend having family around to anyone who thinks having a baby is all about bonding between baby, you and hubby - think again - it's all about SURVIVAL). Most mornings Daddy would bring Aerten downstairs while having brekky and then hand him over to Nana when he had to leave for work. Nana would then bring Aerten back up the stairs when he couldn't possibly survive any longer without a feed (or at least that is what Aerten thinks every time he is hungry). Then one morning I woke up convinced that Daddy had brought Aerten up for a feed but Aerten was no where to be seen!!!! Where did I put the baby?? I was convinced that I could hear him in the room so ripped everything of our bed, of his bed and even looked under the beds!! As he was no where to be seen in the bedroom I stormed downstairs only to find Aerten peacefully asleep in Nana's arms!!!!
SLEEP DEPRIVATION IS DANGEROUS! (It should be illegal for us new Mum's to drive cars)
Quality time with Dad
Today is a BIG day
torsdag den 3. marts 2011
Bath Time
Second attempt to attempt to make Aerten dislike Bath Time happened the day after when Daddy had his first go at bathing a slippery little baby! Lets just say that he nearly dropped the Little man in the water.
But they are resilliant little ones and despite all of our efforts Aerten now LOVES his bath! An absolute second favourite activity right after eating (at least I hope so as I seem to spend half the day and night feeding him!)
onsdag den 2. marts 2011
Aertens New Cyber Verden
First 5 weeks have passed and we are slowly getting used to sleep-deprivation, poo, pee, vomit and all the other beautiful moments a little person brings to you life.
Little Man is more and more awake these days which his Mum is finding a bit difficult getting used to - how to stimulate such a small person who in essence gets overstimulated when he has to pass a wind???? Well, I'm sure we'll get the hang of it sooner or later.
Ohh - have to run as Aerten has started his 'I'm waking up' grunts!
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