søndag den 22. maj 2011

Sunday at the park 2

Aerten was very brave going on the big train until they entered the tunnel. Then it all became too much and the big bottom lip came out (Aerten always puts out a big quivering bottom lip when he is scared or feels very sorry for himself) He only just calmed down in time for the train to reach the tunnel again! Poor wee soul.
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Sunday at the park 1

Had a lovely afternoon at the park with the two lovely cousins.
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Sunday morning brunch

Note to my self: change into day clothes AFTER brekky!
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lørdag den 21. maj 2011

At the soccer

Saturday afternoon at the Cape Town Ajax match trying to raise Aertens interest in the game.
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fredag den 20. maj 2011

So much to learn, so little time...

One little man can get so tired all of a sudden. So much has happened here: He has started on solids and is loving his rice porridge and pear mash. And then on Wed he finally figured out what those hands are for so now every minute is spent trying to direct them to his mouth with whatever they are holding onto at the time. And just a few minutes ago he realised how much better the thumb is to suck on when it is extended rather than curled around the fist! Here comes the germs!

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mandag den 16. maj 2011


So it seems that a lot of people are getting a bit confused about the name Aerten (or at least every English speaking relative of Aerten). NO - we have not changed his name, Aerten is just an alias I use for the purpose of this blog as to not reveal his real name (in case he gets really famous one day). AERTEN means THE PEA in Danish and it is a name I have been calling him since the first day I saw a photo of him which was when I was 5 weeks pregnant and his size and looks were quite like...a pea - so Aerten it is.

søndag den 15. maj 2011

My Little 'Big Man'

My Little Man is all BIG MAN and GROWN UP now!!! We have started on the solids!!! It was mainly Aertens decision to do so as he had started to spend a lot of time eating! And as the pics tell he LOVES his (very bland) rice porridge! Happy Days!

mandag den 9. maj 2011

Thanks Auntie Fuf

Thanks to the LOVELY Auntie Fuf Aerten had the perfect RESORT WEAR for our week in the sun

Surprise Holiday

So all of a sudden we found ourselves on a tropical island...not quite sure how it all happened but here wewere hanging by the pool and exploring some beaches...
We spent most of our time by the before mentioned pool but one day we rented a tiny car with a horribly uncomfortable car seat and headed out to explore...

......Found an interesting little market with some funky fish for sale.....

..and eventually headed back home after a loooong day of excitement (sweaty, covered in sand and extremely tired)

Life is beautiful